Monday, February 11, 2008

Had a GORGEOUS weekend!!!

We were so totally and utterly spoilt this weekend . Katie spend friday AND saturday night at my parents house. So me and Leon did the young thing and stayed up till 2 am doing what we do, me reading a book, him playing games. Slept in till 10ish. aaaaaaahhhhh that is the life. It was SO relaxing even if we missed Katie.

BUT reality strikes in when I have to wash and iron work clothes and get ready for work on Monday. BUT of course their is ONE good thing about Mondays and that is that it is PENCIL LINES day!!!!

Today we welcome Miyuki Yamaguchi to our team. And she has given us a gorgeous 3 photo layout sketch to work with! The DT work is just sensational as always and well worth a drool over :)

Speaking of Pencil Lines, they have a brilliant competition on at the moment!!!!

Competition Time

We thought it was about time we asked YOU, our readers to get involved with Pencil Lines. So we are asking YOU to design us a sketch, for the DT to work with here at Pencil Lines.

Rules :

Design a sketch
1 entry per person
Email the sketch and your interpretation to us

Deadline : 29th February Midnight GMT

Prize : The winner will be invited to be a GDT in April where the DT will use the winning sketch

We look forward to receiving your entries

The Pencil Lines Team xx

We went over to my parents for a BBQ on sunday, my brother and his partner was their, so it was a nice family gathering. Got a few piccies done :)

This one my brother took for me, so I have something lovey dovey to scrap for valentines day ;)

This is my brother having a good play with Katie ... even though he starts huffing and puffing after a few minutes haha.

And Leon giving Katie a tickle.My parents took her to Tamborine mountains and she had a pony ride. Isn't she just adorable on the little pony :)

I am working on some work for Paper Trunk, having SO much fun with their new CHA ranges!!! But you gotta wait till end of feb to see those ;)

Hope you all have a gorgeous week!!!



Yvette Adams said...

Oh I love Mt Tambourine!
Boy, I can't believe how grown up Katie looks on the pony!!!

Ania said...

The layout is so so beautiful!! And the pictures of you all are so cute :D Hey - Paper Trunk eh? Looking forward to see what you'll dish up! :D

Liz Weber said...

I can't believe Katie got on the pony lol.... Loving your family photos there Jolene. Can't wait to see them scrapped.

Another gorgeous PL layout - thanks for sharing.

Hope the working week went well and hope you get lots of relaxing this weekend, take care and see you soon :-)

Gina said...

Gorgeous LO! Love the pic of your DD on a pony. She is so adorable with all her little curls!

fleurie said...

love the polka dot cute!