Saturday, May 10, 2008

Photo Day :)

As of late I have been scrapping less and trying to improve my photography skills instead. Before I got pregnant I was all set for a photography career, I even got an article with photos published in a major travel magazine! I got paid $550 for it, which was awesome!! And a few years back by now mind you!

I wanted to focus on travel photography, so when I got pregnant I knew that that dream would have to wait till another stage of my life as their is no way I'm climbing mountains and hiking with a baby at my side.

But my love for photography is still there, so I have had so much fun lately playing with my family, they are totally SICK of me by now though hehe.

Here are some from last weekend.

We have had a delightful morning this morning as we skipped church and headed out to Roma Street Parklands in Brisbane instead. Katie had an absolute ball as we took her Bicycle/trike with, she didn't want to come home!!! But she is so tired that she actually told us she wants to go and sleep and is now fast asleep - She hasn't really slept in the day since she was 2!!! Except for the rare occasion, so you must know how exhausted she really is poor thing!

We even had some sandwiches and coffee in the coffee shop they have there, DELIGHTFUL!!

I'm looking forward to scrapping now though and hopefully heading off to the beach tomorrow :)

Talking about photos, I'm currently INLOVE with actions!! These are for photoshop and I totally recommend these three FREE ones, I can't stop using them!!!!!

Totally Rad Actions!

Do yourself a favour and download them!!!! Do it NOW, they are totally worth it!

Okay I'm off to edit photos from today and will share them sometime early this week too!!

Enjoy Mothersday!!



kerry said...

Jolene she is adorable and i just love your pics.I would love to be great at photography as well something i would love to work on personally how to get the best pics.HAve a great mothers day take care Kerry xx

{ Kristina } said...

Beautiful photos! :D And such a cute girl.

Julie said...

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to you too. I love your photos.Katie is a sweetie!

Ania said...

Lovely photos!! And I love totally rad actions, didn't know they had free samples - thank you so mcuh! Have been drooling on their actions for a while now so this is superb! :D Loved esp the second last photo btw -- I have been experimenting with backlit subjects (like, sun behind and all) but I mostly get very ver washed out photos or too weird and stuff....buuut..practice right?? :D Have a lovely weekend!!

sue said...

Hi Jolene
Downloaded free action but cant open or find where to open action in PS elements6, I have extracted them but nothing. can you help.
Regular at CIS.

Charmaine said...

hi Jolene, thanks for the new to photoshop and the like so anything free is very helpful so i can work out what i like:)