Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sick Sunday

Bleh! Working with kids always brings on sickness doesn't it. I was mumbling and grumbling this week as I was wiping so many snotty noses at the playcentre I work at and was so hoping I would be able to skip the cold/flu none the less, but NOPE. Friday night arived and I could feel it coming on. Today my head is feeling 'thick', my ears are closed and my nose is stuffy, headaches and muscle pain Bleh! Here is hoping to healthy day at work tomorrow!

This weekend I had some fun with some yummy Pink paislee for a class I'm teaching at SnB next month'ish. So I bought some flowers from Coles and got my little darling to pose for me :)

Aussie Scrap Source asked for some of my work for SIA and sent me a little RAK as thanks back, I got the supplies and instruction list to make this layout below that Loretta Grayson has designed, isn't it funky!?

More scrapping that I'm hoping to share soon. Hope you all had a great weekend!!



Julie said...

I hope you are feeling better soon! Great LO of your sweet girl:)

Ania said...

Aww get well soon!
And such cute photos!!! :D :D :D Funky is the right word for that layout indeed! :D

Maxine said...

Gorgeous photos. Can't wait to see you scrap them. I love checking out your blog.

kerry said...

Great layout Jolene i have used that paper range just recently an i can't believe i used a tree as well lol.Have agreat week take care Kerryxxx

:corinne: said...

Love that funky layout! Just beautiful. Hope you feel better friend! {huggs}}

Sandy said...

that layout is truly gorgeous! scrapbook eye candy! (-:

Ann(i)e Hafermann said...

ahhhh....hope you are feeling better now!
gorgeous pics and layout!

Carrie Postma said...

sorry you got sickie...hope you are feeling better! Great that "one fine day" layout...funky and fun!