Saturday, June 14, 2008

More photos from today. I know my family will enjoy these and am hoping my scrapping friends won't mind ;)

I was keen to go out to a new spot for photos today but hubby was being a lazy bumb and mentioning the price of petrol, so I resorted to new measures and created a little 'studio' in my backyard.

Som e of you have been asking what setting I'm taking my piccies at. I'm by NO means close to professional photographer and know I have a lot to learn, BUT this is my step to taking photos.

1. I pop my camera on auto - Zoom in really close to Katie's face and check to see what settings my camera recommends. I have an SLR and it tells me what ISO and also what Apperture it would take the photo.

2. Pop your camera onto the apperture manual setting and set in your values. i also update my white balance setting in my menu to 'shade' as I normally take my photos in complete shade to avoide shadows and harsh highlights.

3. Once again I zoom in really close to her face, hold the exposure lock down and zoom back out and take the photo. Review your photo and change your exposure compensation if you need too ;)

I always do post processing in photoshop too, very handy to fix up some bits and pieces ;)

Here are my photos from today :)

Don't you just LOVE this expression on her face haha.
And in this shot, she covered her lower body with the linen all by herself, so that face is saying 'aren't I clever' haha.

I actually asked her to 'sleep' for me when I took this shot. Which is why she has such a twinkle in her eye as she thought I must be compelety insane haha.

She couldn't stop playing with that little vest of hers doh! So this might be a fashion status lol.

And this cute pose was for hubby. When he came out I asked her to show Daddy a 'pose' and this is what she did lol. I guess that seeing as my 2.5 yr old knows how to pose that you can see I love taking photos, poor darling!!

And I couldn't resist these adorable little feet, when she had them positioned like this.

This was my little set up, not at all professional, but hey it did the trick. I used the inside from a doona that is white at the bottom and simply used a white bed sheet that I pegged on the wall.

Afterwards I was surfing the net while Katie watched 'Fairies' and came across a video of a guy doing a VERY similar thing.

He had a bit of side lighting coming in which gave some nice highlights. He also used the shutterspeed setting to help prevent blur as he was more 'indoors' than me. I LOVE the idea of the balls and throwing it at him to help keep the focus on him, what a great idea!!!! You can watch it here.

He also shows a bit of what he does to his photos in photoshop and you can watch that here.

Okay I'm off to go and scrap. Pop over to SnB if you are in the mood for a cybercrop :)



Yvette Adams said...

Oh isn't she just the cutest little thing! These photos are beautiful!

kerry said...

Jolene you have outdone yourself what fab pics they are isint she just the perfect model.take care Kerry xx

Diane said...

I'm loving watching you play with your camera. You have a perfectly cute model too.
I once used bubbles but my daughter was terrifed of them - hilarious results but not really beautiful :)

Maxine said...

You sure are amazing with the camera. The pics are just stunning and so is the model.

Karen Knight said...

Hey Jolene

Those photos are absolutley gorgeous

I have just been reading your blog
and saw that you did 2 making memories classes...this is so funny but i was in your classes

I was up the back row with my scrappy friend alice
and i thought that it looked like you but I was too embarrassed to go up and ask. lol!
I love what you did with the classes yours are gorgeous.

Kayla Renee

Belinda Venables said...

Stunning Jolene - just stunning!

Miss Katie is such a fabulous model isn't she?

I use the same process when I am playing around too. It's nice when you get that 'perfect shot' isn't it? You got more than one perfect shot - they are all amazing!

My favourite is her feet. I love the added touch of the leaf!


PS: Which camera do you use? I am seeing some fabulous pics on a few peoples blogs and It always intersting the see which camera they use! :D

Shell said...

Hi Jolene
I found a link to your blog on pencil lines. Your photos and your layouts are fantasic. I wonder if you would mind if I add a link to your blog on my blog under inspirational sites and blogs?


lusi said...

Hi Jolene!
Big fan of your work :)
She's so gorgeous and your pictures are just stunning!
i was wondering Jolene if you could please email me at - i just have something i want to ask you :)
thanks and have a lovely week ahead!
Lusi x

Anonymous said...

Hi Jolene...thank you for the fab photo tutorial :0) I've often thought of using a sheet outside...I'm going to have to try it now.

Liz Weber said...

Wowzer Katie Lee is looking so grown up and very model like there Jolene. Love the shot with Missy as well - I bet she feels left out lol.

Loving the backyard studio.

domestic goddess said...

those photos are gorgeous Jolene :)

KarenB said...

I'm so impressed you got Katie to sit still for so long! These are so-o-o-o-o-o gorgeous. It was fantastic catching up with you on Sunday, hope we can do it again soon :)

Jodi Dolbel said...

Jolene, these are fabulous photos of your baby.
Weve seen her grow into the most gorgeous little toddler through the pages of your layouts!!!