Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lily is 5 months old ALREADY!

Holey moley, how did that happen??

I want her to stay small for longer, it is passing by too quickly :(

Lily is 5 months old today, it has been a crazy and hard past month, but also a really enjoyable one watching her grow and learn.

This month was hard cause of her flu, it left her with an aweful aweful harsh cough, I could hear her the sickness vibrating in her lungs when she was just breathing, it must have hurt her very much, poor thing. It took forever and ever to clear up!! So she hasn't gotten her 4 month shots yet cause the doctor wanted to wait for this to clear up first!
She is really into toys now, she reaches and stretches for them - still loves putting everything in her mouth. She enjoyes tummy time, but no rolling over yet!!! (Katie was rolling at 3 months, so I'm impatient hehe). She can though rotate on her belly in order to get to toys!
My favourtie baby stage - the playing with their feet! She has found her feet!! She can lie on her back for ages, just holding onto both her feet, man I lOVE it, I found it so cute and adorable!!!
She is into 00 clothes at the moment, but for pants she probably needs to go into 0 by now.
She has started to have some dinner solids. Just some farex rice with formula mixed in! Last night I gave her some apple puree and she had almost half of the little tin!!
I have also started to try and give her bottles with formula, I was suppose to start back at work this friday past, but Lily had other plans!! So bosslady gave me another week to get lily organised. She was drinking her bottle milk for lunch and she just LOVED it and suddenly one day, she decided to refuse it and just started crying when she saw the bottle!! I have her drinking again, if I try to catch her before she is too hungry. My plan is to replace her day feeds with bottles but keep her morning and night feeds on the breast, so wish me luck ;)

She is adorable with her talking/squeels, and is starting to do some of the spit bubbles with a 'brrrrr' type sounds thingo haha. So much concentration to make noice, so cute!! Still incredibly smiley, and occasional out loud laughs. She loves loves Mummy :) She just started crying when males take her (ie my brothers) hmmmm what else. She loves being outdoors. She is really easy to take out and about, such a content bubba!!!

Still drinking every 2.5-3 hours *sigh*. And still waking up once to twice a night. She goes down for the night around 10pm, wakes up around 3pm (but I don't feed her, just put her back to sleep) and then up again at 6am for a feed and then sleeping till about 8am :) Then she is up for a good 2 hours to play before having another nap.

Think that is it hehe. My brain isn't working anymore these days!!
Hope you all have a gorgeous saturday and sunday, we are off to a birthday party which will be loads of fun!!!


amanda73 said...

love that photo of lily, she is way too cute, and i love the finding their feet moment too. take care

kerry said...

Super cute pic and that time has gone by in a flash .TAke care Kerry xx

kerry said...

Super cute pic and that time has gone by in a flash .TAke care Kerry xx

Leah said...

Gorgeous photo of Lily! It's so lovely to remember all these special moments. Hope you enjoyed the party ;)

Anonymous said...

oh she is just so lovely!

Her Essential Hand said...

cant believe 5 months!!
she is just so gorgeous and seems to be doing so well.

chrisw said...

Oh that is such a beautiful pic Jo..i love your photography,,as much as your scrapping!!We are very blessed to have our children..stay strong,beautiful girl!

Trina C said...

I love this photo!!!! What a great eye you have!