Monday, October 18, 2010

One of my favourite stages of toddler-hood is when they start saying some words.  I think it is the most adorable thing!  I love the way they over exaggerate the shape of their mouth to make the sounds!  It is all sooooo cute!

Lily is a CHATTERBOX, she has the longest, most complicated stories to tell.  I'm glad I don't have to talk like her cause it looks like super hard work to put all those letters next to each other that really never go together, but it is so cute!  And usually because she is a 'pointer' you can figure out what she is going on about by following the points of her fingers.

She is coming along really well with words, although I'm not doing a good job of keeping her words in one language, bit of English, a lot of Afrikaans, whoopsies.

* Mamma (she has this one perfected)
* Tatie-Lee (katie lee)
* Li-ly
* Ball
* Toe (which is afrikaans for close, think it is cause I'm always telling her to close drawers, cupboards etc etc.)
* bere (which is afrikaans for 'put it away')
*ou-PA (afrikaans for grandad)
* Pappa (afrikaans for daddy)
* Tikkie (grandparents dog name - she adores dogs)
* na-na (for either banana or for sweets and lollies)
* goo gil (good girl)

She also understand what I"m saying alot better now!

She is a serious mischief maker, on the trip to the Sunshine coast recently she figured out how to open the electric windows and she also opened up the door .... on the highway!!!!  My bad for not having the kiddie thingo on, but seriously, she is only 1 year and 5 months!  She is always running, she just about never walks.

And she is doing some awesome full on tantrums!

She knows where her noes is, but instead of pointing to it she squishes her nose up and sniffs hah!  She knows where her tummy is and is getting there with her ears.

Awesome stage!  Terribly busy but I love it!!!



Monique said...

She is seriously cute, Jolene!!
She'll sort the languages out, and be bilingual in no time!! LOL!

Treesa said...

Beautiful age she is totally gorgeous :) enjoy!

Tilla said...

Love how you capture her personality in so few words - she sounds like such fun to have around !