Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Easter and new hair colour :)

Hope you are all having a gorgeous gorgeous Easter weekend, and hope those of you that are travelling stay safe!!

We are staying put this Easter for various reasons, but mostly for Katie's sake as she is still recovering from her High Fever week and still couphing her lungs out at night time. So she is taking it easy and we are just loving all the extra time with her!!

I am hoping to get a few things done around here, me and Katie made some yummy Jamie Oliver Banana and Coconut bread this morning, I am working on a class sample for Scrapbooking N' Bits, a gorgeous gorgeous blue and brown layout for Mothersday and also finishing some work for Scrapbook Creations Magazine.

I want to get into the garden a bit, clean out my cupboard of old clothes and clean areas like the front door area and Patio that seems to get neglected.

But otherwise I'm just relaxing :)

I got my hair done on Thursday. I said to my hairdresser I want some red streaks that stand out, and without asking me where or what type of red she just did her thing and I was SHOCKED when she washed it out and left me with this!!!! It is starting to grow on me though haha.

And also some pretty photos of Katie in a gorgeous dress she got from her Aunty Candice :) Sooooo cute :)

I hope you have a gorgeous weekend! Lapping up all the public holidays if you are lucky enough to get them :)

I'll catch up with you all on Monday for PL update :)



Francine Burgess said...

wow jolene love the hair colour and i especially love your pics of Katie dso glad she is well again..

kerry said...

Jolene great hair colour and glad to see that your little chick is fine.I love the pic of her running and what a beautiful dress.Have agreat easter.take care Kerry xx

Belinda Venables said...

Well Jolene - I love the new hair colour. It really suits you.
Beautiful photos of Katie, she is so sweet. :)
Have a happy and safe easter.

Julie said...

Well your hairdresser certainly achieved a red color.You can carry it off very well,as I could not.Your DD is just precious.I love seeing her in your work.

Rozella Meijer-Kern said...

I like your hair color. And the dress of your daugther so so so very cute. Uhmmmm your daughter too ofcourse....Perfect combi....

Ania said...

LOL..well you do look adorable with your new hair!! :D

Delta said...

wow now thats red. It looks amazing girl. Loving the new do. Have a happy easter!!

Anonymous said...

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Alma said...

Hello Jolene, I am visiting your blog for a while now and I just love the scraps you make!! And I like your new hair, it looks fabulous on you! Love your cute little daughter too with her beautifull new dress!
I wish you all al happy Easter!

Laura S. said...

I am digging the hair color. I want to do something like that color underneath...but my hairdresser told me I was too old for that....hmm think it is time for a new hairdresser.