Have had a horrible day today as katie landed in the hospital while I was at work, she has been unwell since sunday and this morning her temp reached 42 degrees!!!!
She was admitted to emergency straight away and everyone buzzed around her trying to get the temp down before convulsions or something happens. They are not sure what is causing the temps, they gave her a very strong dose of medicine, took x-rays, drew blood, uring samples etc.
After 6 hours the temp was back to normal and they said we could go home, but after being at home for an hour her temp has gone back up to 39.8 and she is just lying her, not moving and her eyes are just glazed over :( I'm so scared!! But we are doing all we can do for her and her temp. And keeping a close eye on her, I just feel so horribly helpless and scared, I wish I could make it all better!!!
On another front, my first lot of DT work is up at SnB and you can purchase this gorgeous scrumptious VALUE kit for $15 from SnB by clicking on THIS link. It is a kit full of gorgeous products at an awesome price!! So go check it out if you like the mix of products you see on this layout!!
*edited to add* Katie's temp has gone down a fair bit, still high but not as scarey!! But please keep her in your thoughts!!
Oh yikes1!! *HUGE HUGS* will keep you both in my thoughts!! :(
Oh you poor things... just the worst. Hoping she kicks whatever it is' butt!
Get well soon gorgeous girl.
sending you and your baby lots and lots of love!!!!!
Jolene i hope that Katie gets better real soon that is scary when they get high temps.I will keep you in my get well thoughts.Great layouts too.take care Kerry xx
Jolene, I've been a lurker on your blog. Love your work. I'm so sorry to hear about your little one. We recently went through a sudden hosptial visit as well that ended in a surgery so I know what you are going through. I'm so sorry and I hope your little one gets better real soon. I pray you will find peace and that the fever will come down quickly.
Oh Jolene.
I wish that I could make it all better for you. :(
How scared must you Everything will be ok...Katie will be fine. :)
My thought are with you and Katie. I hope that today is a better day.
PS: your layouts rock!
oh jolene, i hope she is getting better
huge hugs to you both xx
I remember going through some high temps with my kids. SO scary at the time but hang in there, I'm sure she's be bouncing around again in no time. Thinking of you...
I too love your work and have your blog bookmarked.There is nothing worse than a sick child.My kids would have high fevers with no apparent reason or other symptoms.After the fever subsided then they would come down with cold symptoms or something.Keep us posted on her,and we will keep her in our prayers:)
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry to hear that! I hope she gets better fast, that is very scary!!! Hang in there!
it is always scary when our babies are not feeling well... especially when they can't really tell us what's going on! I will pray for you guys and hope she is feeling better soon!
I'm so sorry to hear that your daughters is unwell..my son had the same thing when he was a baby..except he had a convulsion and it's very scarey..hope shes better real soon!Your layouts are gorgeous!
Really hope your little girl gets better soon. I can totally sympathise with how scared and helpless you must be feeling, my baby girl was in hospital all last weekend with an absolutely awful virus - very scary!
Beautiful layouts!
Sending get well hugs xxx
hope your daughter is feeling better. I always freak out when my dd gets a high temperature.
All the best :)
I hope your daughter is feeling a whole lot better - nothing worse than being a mother and feeling so helpless when our babies are sick. Just also wanted to say how beautiful your layouts are.
those high temps are always so scary hey!! Hope Katie is feeling heaps better now!! Love the LO's Jolene.
Big hug
Hope your little one gets better. Its scary alright!! LOVE your work , and wondering if you could email me , so I can get back to you. Cheers alana
hi jolene! just received my order from cis. what a great sale. thank you so much and all the best with new ventures. i hope your little katie has recovered from those high temps. its great that you were straight onto it. i hope she is back to usual, smiling self.
Jolene glad Katie is better - was pretty scary there for too long.
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