Friday, March 14, 2008

Thanks so much!!!

I'm just overwhelmed with all the caring wonderful ladies who left me words of encouragement on my previous post!! Thanks so much!!

Katie is so much better! She took one week of high fevers and was almost back in hospital when we reached the end of the stressful road, she woke up on Saterday and the fevers were gone!! She is still battling from lower than normal energy levels as she lost a whopping 2kg during the one week :( She is still struggling with a horrible couph that makes her throw up, but considering what she went through she is so much better!!

So sorry I have been mia, trying to catch up with life in general and i"m so glad it is weekend after a pretty long and tiring week!!

Alana that left me a comment on my previous post you can email me at pienaar(at) . I can't see your profile?? So can't see an email addy for you, sorry!

I have been doing a 'wee' bit of scrapping. This is one I can share with you all, it is for a 'survivor' type of competition that one of my favourite sites Chookscraps is running. I also bought the MME 'love' themed tags from Lorraine's shop, very yummy and so mega easy to use!!

And then I also got tagged by one of my absolutely gorgeous friends - Liz.

Here are the rules ->

1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.

Okay so 7 random things about me, hmmmmm

1. My favourite holiday was the one where we got to backpack around China for a month - awesome experience!!

2. I have hiked for about 2hours on a part of China's Great Wall which has been totally unrestored, totally amazing!!

3. I have had to pee in front of 10 Chinese girls staring at me as they don't have doors or even walls on alot of their rural toilets!!! hehe.

4. Hubby's old business paid for us to learn to 'scuba dive' and after one lesson I just couldn't go back again, I'm a horrible sook when it comes to water and the whole breathing thing and being so deep in the water just freaked me out completely and we never completed our course, even though I wish that I have enough guts to actually go through with it as i think it would be amazing!!

5. I really enjoyed school as a child, some of my favourite memories are from my school days.

6. All my 'serious' relationships with guys have been with guys younger than me, my hubby is younger than me too!!

7. I'm a total night owl. I love staying up really late till early in the morning and being able to sleep in really late.

Gosh that was horribly difficult haha, so after all my pain and suffering I tag the following girls to have a go as well ;)

1. Ally
2. Julie
3. Yvette
4. Fleur
5. Jill
6. Marni

I hope you all have a gorgeous gorgeous weekend!! A bit busy here as I finish painting Katie's walls, one to go and it will be all pink woohooo. And we need to tidy up the garden, the grass and weeds are taking over doh!!

Catch you all on monday for a pencillines share ;)



Julie said...

I am so glad you updated.When I saw that you didn't upload a LO for pencil lines and no news on the blog, I was worried about your daughter.So happy to hear she is recovering.

Unknown said...

Yay! So glad she is feeling better... or getting there at least.

kerry said...

thats fab that she is getting better.I love the layout too.take care Kerry xx

Liz Weber said...

Jolene it's good that Katie isn't having the temps anymore - she will be her old usual self soon enough - her poor body needs to recover.

Loving reading that info - not sure I would do the scuba diving either, but at least you tried.

Looking forward to seeing you and Katie on Tuesday. Have fun finishing the painting.

suebaru said...

So glad to hear Katie is slowly getting better :)

Yvette Adams said...

I'm so relieved about Katie. It is SO scary when things like that happen. It's so hard being a parent at times like that!

Thanks for the tag - I'll get on to it shortly!